Avis pour Hostellerie Du Grünewald

1455 personnes ont donné leur avis sur ce restaurant
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1455 avis
date score
Date du repas: 15/06/2020
tom recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Enfants, Business, Trendy, topdining, Meilleure qualité

Quality, service, location......

Quality, service, location...

Date du repas: 15/06/2020
JANET recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Trendy, topdining

Delicious food and nice atmosphere!...

Delicious food and nice atmosphere!

Date du repas: 14/06/2020
Annick recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Meilleure qualité

The food was excellent and the stuff , as usual...

The food was excellent and the stuff , as usual, very friendly A place I would recommend

Date du repas: 14/06/2020
Soeren recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, topdining

What a great terrace they have. Food was excel...

What a great terrace they have. Food was excellent - as always.

Date du repas: 11/06/2020
Julie recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, topdining

excellent food, great service, wonderful settin...

excellent food, great service, wonderful setting

Date du repas: 09/06/2020
Martine recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, topdining

The food was, as always delicious and perfect....

The food was, as always delicious and perfect. Service people were friendly but unefficient. We had to ask several times for different zhinksbefore it was brought, done or not done. Waiters made an effort to NOT LOOK at the tables snd guests.

Date du repas: 08/06/2020
Josée recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, topdining

ewei emmer war den empfang ganz härzlech. den...

ewei emmer war den empfang ganz härzlech. den service super leif. mir hun apprecieiert dass de Kach nom iessen nofroen komm as, wei et geschmach huet. mir sin seit langem regelmeisseg clienten a waerten och erem gaer eremkommen.

Date du repas: 08/06/2020
Soeren recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Trendy

As always a fantastic Experience. Great food...

As always a fantastic Experience. Great food - excellent selection of wine and a nice ambiance

Date du repas: 07/06/2020
Roswitha recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, topdining

Impeccable service - amazing food. Delicious,...

Impeccable service - amazing food. Delicious, original and very well presented. We¿ll be back ;-).

Cette avis est écrit après RestoDays
Date du repas: 15/03/2020
Helene recommande ce restaurant pour: Groupes, Trendy

Les plats étaient parfaits, mais le service...

Les plats étaient parfaits, mais le service laisse à désirer: vins servis quand l¿entrée était terminée; pas de pain à table pour nous (les tables voisines quant à elles si), plat commandé sans betterave, mais servi avec car oublié...:-(

date score