Avis pour Peitry

13 personnes ont donné leur avis sur ce restaurant
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13 avis
date score
Date du repas: unknown
Kristina recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Groupes, Business, topdining, Meilleure qualité

Pietry's Cuisine at its Best

We have a wonderful dinner last Friday. Excellent environment, Delicious and sumptous menu and awesome staff. We already know this place and its not the first time we had been here but we always like to be back due to its excellent cuisine and attentive service...right to details. Highly recommended.

Date du repas: unknown
Pierre recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Trendy, topdining


Nous avons passé un dîner excellent dans une atmosphère chaleureuse. A recommander!

Date du repas: unknown
Marco recommande ce restaurant pour: Couples, Groupes, topdining

Excellent meal

Last night we had a very nice culinary experience in this beautiful place. Ted staff is friendly, the service very professional and the food was delicious. Definitely a place to go back again.

date score