Mes avis

Restaurant Ukulele Bar & Restaurant Thaï

Rue de la tour Jacob 57 1831 LUXEMBOURG
Joëlle Agnes
Avis du  23/03/2023 10:54
Joëlle recommande ce restaurant pour:

Nice and comfy atmosphere. The food was really good, we tried differen...

Nice and comfy atmosphere. The food was really good, we tried different starters and everything was very tasty. And a lot of vegetarian options available.

Joëlle Agnes
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  23/03/2023 10:54
Joëlle recommande ce restaurant pour:

Nice and comfy atmosphere. The food was really good, we tried differen...

Nice and comfy atmosphere. The food was really good, we tried different starters and everything was very tasty. And a lot of vegetarian options available.