Mes avis

Restaurant Madame Jeanette

Rue de Strasbourg 9 2561 LUXEMBOURG
Fábio Fernandes Montoito
FábioFernandes Montoito
Avis du  05/07/2024 10:42
Fábio recommande ce restaurant pour:

Tasty food and excellent service. The restaurant as a very trendy vibe...

Tasty food and excellent service. The restaurant as a very trendy vibe too. Would recommend.

Fábio Fernandes Montoito
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  05/07/2024 10:42
Fábio recommande ce restaurant pour:

Tasty food and excellent service. The restaurant as a very trendy vibe...

Tasty food and excellent service. The restaurant as a very trendy vibe too. Would recommend.