Mes avis
Restaurant Le Bouquet Garni-salon Saint Michel
Food and servce and the location are always a great experience. We hav...
Food and servce and the location are always a great experience. We have been going there for a very long time and have never been disappointed.
Food and servce and the location are always a great experience. We hav...
Food and servce and the location are always a great experience. We have been going there for a very long time and have never been disappointed.
Restaurant Le Bouquet Garni-salon Saint Michel
We like this restaurant as it is in a great location, food is nice and...
We like this restaurant as it is in a great location, food is nice and the atmosphere is great. It is not noisy or overcrowded. There is the right amount of space between tables and guests.
We like this restaurant as it is in a great location, food is nice and...
We like this restaurant as it is in a great location, food is nice and the atmosphere is great. It is not noisy or overcrowded. There is the right amount of space between tables and guests.