Mes avis

Restaurant Kimchi

Route d'Arlon 174 8010 STRASSEN
Maximillian Goldberg
Avis du  26/12/2019 00:04
Maximillian recommande ce restaurant pour:

Authentic Great food! Its hard to find good sushi in Europe, they are ...

Authentic Great food! Its hard to find good sushi in Europe, they are good and have great presentation. Some servers should smile more even if their in the weeds!

Maximillian Goldberg
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  26/12/2019 00:04
Maximillian recommande ce restaurant pour:

Authentic Great food! Its hard to find good sushi in Europe, they are ...

Authentic Great food! Its hard to find good sushi in Europe, they are good and have great presentation. Some servers should smile more even if their in the weeds!