Mes avis

Restaurant Lao Tse Asia

Rue de Medingen 2 5335 MOUTFORT
Isaac Stevens
Avis du  13/04/2024 12:00
Isaac recommande ce restaurant pour:

Best Asian food in Luxembourg so far. Also good vegetarian options. No...

Best Asian food in Luxembourg so far. Also good vegetarian options. Not too far from Luxembourg city.

Isaac Stevens
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  13/04/2024 12:00
Isaac recommande ce restaurant pour:

Best Asian food in Luxembourg so far. Also good vegetarian options. No...

Best Asian food in Luxembourg so far. Also good vegetarian options. Not too far from Luxembourg city.

Restaurant Le Bouquet Garni-salon Saint Michel

Rue de l'Eau 32 1449 LUXEMBOURG
Isaac Stevens
Avis du  20/06/2021 13:01
Isaac recommande ce restaurant pour:

No AC, so it was really hot, and when we opened the window, it was rea...

No AC, so it was really hot, and when we opened the window, it was really hot outside + rude waiter

Isaac Stevens
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  20/06/2021 13:01
Isaac recommande ce restaurant pour:

No AC, so it was really hot, and when we opened the window, it was rea...

No AC, so it was really hot, and when we opened the window, it was really hot outside + rude waiter