Mes avis
Restaurant Equilibrium
Rue de la Tour Jacob 107
Christopher McDermott
Avis du
10/09/2024 11:02
Fantastic food from a very talented chef - the range and combination o...
Fantastic food from a very talented chef - the range and combination of flavours was exceptional.
Christopher McDermott
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du
10/09/2024 11:02
Fantastic food from a very talented chef - the range and combination o...
Fantastic food from a very talented chef - the range and combination of flavours was exceptional.
Restaurant L'annexe
Rue du Saint Esprit 7 7
Christopher McDermott
Avis du
29/08/2021 10:53
Excellent food, great staff and very good wine. The recommended wine w...
Excellent food, great staff and very good wine. The recommended wine was excellent.
Christopher McDermott
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du
29/08/2021 10:53
Excellent food, great staff and very good wine. The recommended wine w...
Excellent food, great staff and very good wine. The recommended wine was excellent.