Mes avis

Restaurant Bacchus

Rue du Marché-aux-Herbes 32 1728 LUXEMBOURG
Guy Benzeno
Avis du  26/03/2013 00:00

My family and I have been coming to Bacchus for almost 20 years now. W...

My family and I have been coming to Bacchus for almost 20 years now. What best describes this restaurant is the fact that it is a family place. Clients are virtually treated as family members. This is the secret of their success the food is delicious because they are so kind and friendly and because' Well because the food is delicious! Thank you Franco thank you Franco and thank you Sergio.

Guy Benzeno
0 Favoris
1 Avis
Avis du  26/03/2013 00:00

My family and I have been coming to Bacchus for almost 20 years now. W...

My family and I have been coming to Bacchus for almost 20 years now. What best describes this restaurant is the fact that it is a family place. Clients are virtually treated as family members. This is the secret of their success the food is delicious because they are so kind and friendly and because' Well because the food is delicious! Thank you Franco thank you Franco and thank you Sergio.