Mes avis

Restaurant Kimchi

Route d'Arlon 174 8010 STRASSEN
Gunnar Nau
Avis du  29/06/2020 08:11
Gunnar recommande ce restaurant pour:

COVID-19 distancing rules were broken!!! The food was good, the servi...

COVID-19 distancing rules were broken!!! The food was good, the service was fine. And when entering the restaurant, it looked as everything was well prepared to keep the sanitation rules. Unfortunately, the restaurant filled more and more with guests over time, which seemed not to have a reservation. When the restaurant was already pretty packed, even as regards to normal times, a couple was placed next to our table, with a distance of far less than 1,5m, rather 75cm. Even if these persons were sitting back to back to us, the rules were clearly broken. We immediately ordered the bill and left the restaurant. I doubt we will ever come back, despite the good points listed up above. A restaurant which puts profit above safety of its guests is not the place to be for my family and me! Hard to say, but the truth.

Gunnar Nau
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  29/06/2020 08:11
Gunnar recommande ce restaurant pour:

COVID-19 distancing rules were broken!!! The food was good, the servi...

COVID-19 distancing rules were broken!!! The food was good, the service was fine. And when entering the restaurant, it looked as everything was well prepared to keep the sanitation rules. Unfortunately, the restaurant filled more and more with guests over time, which seemed not to have a reservation. When the restaurant was already pretty packed, even as regards to normal times, a couple was placed next to our table, with a distance of far less than 1,5m, rather 75cm. Even if these persons were sitting back to back to us, the rules were clearly broken. We immediately ordered the bill and left the restaurant. I doubt we will ever come back, despite the good points listed up above. A restaurant which puts profit above safety of its guests is not the place to be for my family and me! Hard to say, but the truth.