Mes avis

Restaurant Le Bouquet Garni-salon Saint Michel

Rue de l'Eau 32 1449 LUXEMBOURG
Yumi Y. Yamazaki
Yumi Y.Yamazaki
Avis du  18/03/2018 08:27
Yumi Y. recommande ce restaurant pour:

Luxembourgish location is perfect for visitors from overseas. The fis...

Luxembourgish location is perfect for visitors from overseas. The fish I ate was perfectly cooked!

Yumi Y. Yamazaki
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  18/03/2018 08:27
Yumi Y. recommande ce restaurant pour:

Luxembourgish location is perfect for visitors from overseas. The fis...

Luxembourgish location is perfect for visitors from overseas. The fish I ate was perfectly cooked!