Mes avis

Restaurant La Pomme Cannelle

Boulevard Royal 12 2449 LUXEMBOURG
Richard M. Marshall
Richard M.Marshall
Avis du  01/02/2018 09:32
Richard M. recommande ce restaurant pour:

Generally yes, but one of our party has allergies (particularly cheese...

Generally yes, but one of our party has allergies (particularly cheese) and it was disappointing her starter came and had to be returned despite this being explained.

Richard M. Marshall
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  01/02/2018 09:32
Richard M. recommande ce restaurant pour:

Generally yes, but one of our party has allergies (particularly cheese...

Generally yes, but one of our party has allergies (particularly cheese) and it was disappointing her starter came and had to be returned despite this being explained.