Mes avis

Restaurant Ukulele Bar & Restaurant Thaï

Rue de la tour Jacob 57 1831 LUXEMBOURG
Jen Uppenberg
Avis du  22/01/2019 09:55
Jen recommande ce restaurant pour:

Food excellent & service friendly!...

Food excellent & service friendly!

Jen Uppenberg
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  22/01/2019 09:55
Jen recommande ce restaurant pour:

Food excellent & service friendly!...

Food excellent & service friendly!

Restaurant Ukulele Bar & Restaurant Thaï

Rue de la tour Jacob 57 1831 LUXEMBOURG
Jen Uppenberg
Avis du  18/12/2018 09:29
Jen recommande ce restaurant pour:

Friendly staff and the food is delicious. Great service!...

Friendly staff and the food is delicious. Great service!

Jen Uppenberg
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  18/12/2018 09:29
Jen recommande ce restaurant pour:

Friendly staff and the food is delicious. Great service!...

Friendly staff and the food is delicious. Great service!

Restaurant Olivier

Route d'Arlon 140 a 8008 STRASSEN
Jen Uppenberg
Avis du  15/06/2018 15:42
Jen recommande ce restaurant pour:

The food was delicious and the service excellent!...

The food was delicious and the service excellent!

Jen Uppenberg
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  15/06/2018 15:42
Jen recommande ce restaurant pour:

The food was delicious and the service excellent!...

The food was delicious and the service excellent!