Mes avis

Restaurant Tempura

Avenue pasteur 21 2311 LIMPERTSBERG (LUXEMBOURG)
Lavinia Burducea
Avis du  05/10/2013 12:29

Great food, bad service

Very good food and the price / quantity for the resto days was really positively surprising! Unfortunately the waitresses almost do not speak French, I do not think they speak any foreign language. Service is very, very slow. It's really a pitty cause the food is very good!

Lavinia Burducea
0 Favoris
1 Avis
Avis du  05/10/2013 12:29

Great food, bad service

Very good food and the price / quantity for the resto days was really positively surprising! Unfortunately the waitresses almost do not speak French, I do not think they speak any foreign language. Service is very, very slow. It's really a pitty cause the food is very good!