Mes avis

Restaurant Wasabi

Rue de Remich 104, 5330 MOUTFORT
Marcel D. Dinu
Marcel D.Dinu
Avis du  17/01/2022 10:26
Marcel D. recommande ce restaurant pour:

Good food, good service, price-quality ratio acceptable Still, long wa...

Good food, good service, price-quality ratio acceptable Still, long waiting time for the food to arrive, this has to improve

Marcel D. Dinu
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  17/01/2022 10:26
Marcel D. recommande ce restaurant pour:

Good food, good service, price-quality ratio acceptable Still, long wa...

Good food, good service, price-quality ratio acceptable Still, long waiting time for the food to arrive, this has to improve