Mes avis

Restaurant Two6two

Route d'Arlon 262 8010 STRASSEN
placeholder Eloisa Galang
Avis du  19/09/2015 10:17
Eloisa recommande ce restaurant pour:

La cuisine est super bonne, et l'accueil et service impeccables :)

Hello - thank you for the team at 262. My friend and I dined here recently and the food was awesome. Classic techniques with modern twists, but respecting the flavours and produce. The service team were absolutely delightful. They knew the food, were able to recommend and were charming and welcoming. My friend and I are learning French and this is the perfect place to practice. They adjusted so we were comfortable with speaking in both English and practising French. Very kind service team. Thank you :)

Eloisa Galang
0 Favoris
1 Avis
Avis du  19/09/2015 10:17
Eloisa recommande ce restaurant pour:

La cuisine est super bonne, et l'accueil et service impeccables :)

Hello - thank you for the team at 262. My friend and I dined here recently and the food was awesome. Classic techniques with modern twists, but respecting the flavours and produce. The service team were absolutely delightful. They knew the food, were able to recommend and were charming and welcoming. My friend and I are learning French and this is the perfect place to practice. They adjusted so we were comfortable with speaking in both English and practising French. Very kind service team. Thank you :)