Mes avis
Restaurant Restaurant Oggi & Domani
Rte de Thionville 427
Martin Adams
Avis du
11/05/2023 12:02
The setting is romantic, the food excellent and the service attentive....
The setting is romantic, the food excellent and the service attentive. The tables are well spaced, providing a feeling of roominess and facilitating conversation.
Martin Adams
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du
11/05/2023 12:02
The setting is romantic, the food excellent and the service attentive....
The setting is romantic, the food excellent and the service attentive. The tables are well spaced, providing a feeling of roominess and facilitating conversation.
Restaurant Restaurant Oggi & Domani
Rte de Thionville 427
Martin Adams
Avis du
18/10/2022 12:18
O&D is an interesting restaurant to visit and the food delicious and n...
O&D is an interesting restaurant to visit and the food delicious and nicely presented. Very satisfied.
Martin Adams
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du
18/10/2022 12:18
O&D is an interesting restaurant to visit and the food delicious and n...
O&D is an interesting restaurant to visit and the food delicious and nicely presented. Very satisfied.