Mes avis

Restaurant Ukulele Bar & Restaurant Thaï

Rue de la tour Jacob 57 1831 LUXEMBOURG
Lionel Lima
Avis du  01/02/2023 14:00
Lionel recommande ce restaurant pour:

It wasn't my first visit, neither my last. The quality of the food is ...

It wasn't my first visit, neither my last. The quality of the food is excellent, the menu card is small, which is a good sign for a restaurant, they can focus on the quality instead of quantity. I wished only that the premises could be a little bit warmer

Lionel Lima
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  01/02/2023 14:00
Lionel recommande ce restaurant pour:

It wasn't my first visit, neither my last. The quality of the food is ...

It wasn't my first visit, neither my last. The quality of the food is excellent, the menu card is small, which is a good sign for a restaurant, they can focus on the quality instead of quantity. I wished only that the premises could be a little bit warmer