Mes avis

Restaurant Le Plëss

Place d'Armes 18 1136 LUXEMBOURG
Carla Pinto
Avis du  23/03/2024 11:00
Carla recommande ce restaurant pour:

All the menu was delicious, we taste all the starters, main courses an...

All the menu was delicious, we taste all the starters, main courses and desserts and beyond the amazing visual look, the taste was delicious. The staff and the environment was elegant and chic

Carla Pinto
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  23/03/2024 11:00
Carla recommande ce restaurant pour:

All the menu was delicious, we taste all the starters, main courses an...

All the menu was delicious, we taste all the starters, main courses and desserts and beyond the amazing visual look, the taste was delicious. The staff and the environment was elegant and chic