Mes avis

Restaurant Restaurant Oggi & Domani

Sharon Taylor
Avis du  17/10/2022 10:22
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Great food and service, as always!...

Great food and service, as always!

Sharon Taylor
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  17/10/2022 10:22
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Great food and service, as always!...

Great food and service, as always!

Restaurant Restaurant Oggi & Domani

Sharon Taylor
Avis du  19/10/2020 12:45
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Excellent food, friendly & attentive service...

Excellent food, friendly & attentive service

Sharon Taylor
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  19/10/2020 12:45
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Excellent food, friendly & attentive service...

Excellent food, friendly & attentive service

Restaurant B13 Brasserie-bar

Beim Schlass 13 8058 BERTRANGE
Sharon Taylor
Avis du  15/07/2020 10:56
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Great food and wine, very friendly service - a very enjoyable evening...

Great food and wine, very friendly service - a very enjoyable evening

Sharon Taylor
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  15/07/2020 10:56
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Great food and wine, very friendly service - a very enjoyable evening...

Great food and wine, very friendly service - a very enjoyable evening

Restaurant Restaurant Oggi & Domani

Sharon Taylor
Avis du  18/01/2019 09:18
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Good ambience and food, friendly staff - but not enough of them! Servi...

Good ambience and food, friendly staff - but not enough of them! Service was therefore sporadic, which was a shame.

Sharon Taylor
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  18/01/2019 09:18
Sharon recommande ce restaurant pour:

Good ambience and food, friendly staff - but not enough of them! Servi...

Good ambience and food, friendly staff - but not enough of them! Service was therefore sporadic, which was a shame.