Mes avis

Restaurant Le Bistro Du Sommelier

Avenue de la Faiencerie 18 1510 LUXEMBOURG
Katarzyna Czaplicka
Avis du  26/10/2021 22:20
Katarzyna recommande ce restaurant pour:

It was excellent! Food was really tasty, but what we did like the most...

It was excellent! Food was really tasty, but what we did like the most was the service always there to help and advice. Big thank you for a great evening!

Katarzyna Czaplicka
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  26/10/2021 22:20
Katarzyna recommande ce restaurant pour:

It was excellent! Food was really tasty, but what we did like the most...

It was excellent! Food was really tasty, but what we did like the most was the service always there to help and advice. Big thank you for a great evening!