Mes avis

Restaurant Mad About Peru Hollerich

Rue de hollerich 42 1740 LUXEMBOURG
Ingrid Krücken
Avis du  09/09/2024 10:05
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

The quality of the food is always great. The staff very friendly, one ...

The quality of the food is always great. The staff very friendly, one of the best restaurants in Luxembourg! The only issue is the location... at gare

Ingrid Krücken
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  09/09/2024 10:05
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

The quality of the food is always great. The staff very friendly, one ...

The quality of the food is always great. The staff very friendly, one of the best restaurants in Luxembourg! The only issue is the location... at gare

Restaurant Ukulele Bar & Restaurant Thaï

Rue de la tour Jacob 57 1831 LUXEMBOURG
Ingrid Krücken
Avis du  12/12/2022 09:23
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

The food was delicious and fresh...

The food was delicious and fresh

Ingrid Krücken
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  12/12/2022 09:23
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

The food was delicious and fresh...

The food was delicious and fresh

Restaurant La Métisse

Rue de Neudorf 265 2221 LUXEMBOURG
Ingrid Krücken
Avis du  05/12/2021 12:14
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

The staff was very friendly and the food was very good...

The staff was very friendly and the food was very good

Ingrid Krücken
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  05/12/2021 12:14
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

The staff was very friendly and the food was very good...

The staff was very friendly and the food was very good

Restaurant Mad About Peru Hollerich

Rue de hollerich 42 1740 LUXEMBOURG
Ingrid Krücken
Avis du  07/09/2020 10:37
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

La qualité du repas, les aliments et les plats etaient excellents...

La qualité du repas, les aliments et les plats etaient excellents

Ingrid Krücken
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  07/09/2020 10:37
Ingrid recommande ce restaurant pour:

La qualité du repas, les aliments et les plats etaient excellents...

La qualité du repas, les aliments et les plats etaient excellents