Mes avis

Restaurant Tachi

rue henri VII 2 1725 LUXEMBOURG
Adrian Viorel Filep
Adrian ViorelFilep
Avis du  11/01/2024 22:46
Adrian Viorel recommande ce restaurant pour:

The staff is really nice, friendly and always smiling. Definitely a gr...

The staff is really nice, friendly and always smiling. Definitely a great team. The food I'd amazing as usual, would definitely recommend.

Adrian Viorel Filep
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  11/01/2024 22:46
Adrian Viorel recommande ce restaurant pour:

The staff is really nice, friendly and always smiling. Definitely a gr...

The staff is really nice, friendly and always smiling. Definitely a great team. The food I'd amazing as usual, would definitely recommend.