Mes avis

Restaurant Tachi

rue henri VII 2 1725 LUXEMBOURG
Frida Tkatchenko
Avis du  10/08/2023 16:28
Frida recommande ce restaurant pour:

Freundliches Personal, leckere Speisen, entspannte Atmosphäre. Wir kom...

Freundliches Personal, leckere Speisen, entspannte Atmosphäre. Wir kommen immer wieder gerne!

Frida Tkatchenko
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  10/08/2023 16:28
Frida recommande ce restaurant pour:

Freundliches Personal, leckere Speisen, entspannte Atmosphäre. Wir kom...

Freundliches Personal, leckere Speisen, entspannte Atmosphäre. Wir kommen immer wieder gerne!

Restaurant Ukulele Bar & Restaurant Thaï

Rue de la tour Jacob 57 1831 LUXEMBOURG
Frida Tkatchenko
Avis du  02/07/2023 15:08
Frida recommande ce restaurant pour:

Delicious dishes with many vegetarias/vegan alternatives. Friendly st...

Delicious dishes with many vegetarias/vegan alternatives. Friendly staff, super atmosphere, I will be back soon anytime ¿¿

Frida Tkatchenko
0 Favoris
0 Avis
Avis du  02/07/2023 15:08
Frida recommande ce restaurant pour:

Delicious dishes with many vegetarias/vegan alternatives. Friendly st...

Delicious dishes with many vegetarias/vegan alternatives. Friendly staff, super atmosphere, I will be back soon anytime ¿¿